Our mission is to transform designs into real-life solutions and to provide our customers with a comprehensive support at every stage of production.

Services we offer:

  • Initial assessment and consultation

Our team of experts carefully evaluates graphic materials for quality and compliance. We prepare a preliminary PDF document, which we then send to the customer for confirmation of the graphic layout.

  • Professional preparation

We have professional equipment and technology to transform any graphic design into a masterpiece of flexographic printing technology. With the ART PRO graphics platform, ADOBE and profiling, we ensure excellent quality and precision at every stage of production.

  • Colour standardisation

Colour standardisation is not just a norm for us, it is our passion. We ensure the maximum possible colour match on all types of packaging, regardless of the printing technique or structure used. Our standardisation solutions will increase the recognisability of your brand.

  • Proofs: Faithful reproduction of the final effect

Thanks to state-of-the-art technology, our proofs faithfully represent the final effect. We use advanced GMG OpenColor proof systems, which guarantee not only raster point simulation, but also precise reproduction of special colours.

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Our team is made up of experienced process engineers and graphic designers with several years’ experience in preparing files and producing photopolymer matrices for flexographic printing. Thanks to our unique working techniques and full commitment, we achieve the best possible results, even when working on the most complex projects.

DTP studio requirements in terms of graphic input:

  • Graphic design in: Adobe package, Art Pro;
  • Layered PSD photos;
  • Photo resolution: minimum 200-300 dpi;
  • Texts: converted to curves; alternatively, the design should feature editable fonts;
  • Colours: special colours based on PANTONE template numbers.

It is advisable to include a preview print.

It is possible to reproduce the design graphics from printed materials in the case of vector graphics.

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